We're not trying to "win" you or anyone over to our cause.
We're simply trying to survive.
The coming onslaught of the majorities moral outrage is not going to be pretty for us, despite how logical, rational and harmless our lifestyle choices may be.
It is, in fact, very likely that we will be demoted to a legal level of "less than human", as has happened to many other American's in the past, where we will be forced to inject or leave.
As the mother of a vax-free family & consensual Minarchist, doing her best to speak up for thall of us in either minority who have to be under constant threat of social pressure, legal trouble & mandates that remove EVERYONE'S right to freedom of choice, non-consent, and to be able to opt out of reasonably questionable medical practices, procedures & medications, I find it more & more frustrating that one of the largest barriers to preventing such unnecessary tyranny comes from pro-vax individuals who seem to believe vax-free & freedom of choice supporters are trying to convince them too stop vaccinating or to convince them that all vaccine science is unsupported and wrong.
And while there are plenty of extreme & loud "anti-vaxxers" (different than those who are simple "vaccine-free) who do want to stop everyone from vaccinating, let me be the first to be clear that I (and most vaccine-free families) have no intention or interest in trying to evangelize pro-vaxers.
Most vax-free folks have zero interest in trying to make anyone change their mind about their choice to vaccinate or not.

Something Big Pharma desperately wants to keep quiet since they made a profitable deal to get more people vaccinated with greater numbers of vaccines than ever.
Unfortunately, because big pharma/big brother stand to lose a great deal of profits and power if the vaccine-free and especially if the anti-vax movement takes any stronger of a hold in the general population, they've invested a great deal in their fear campaigns; ensuring that the majority of the world is deathly afraid of catching even the most manageable diseases with much less harmful tendencies than the vaccines perported to protect us from them.
Ironically, though general distrust of the govt and ngo agencies is higher than it's ever been before, the majority of folks still rely on old propaganda they were taught & refuse to even look into the vast data and statistics about the long term effects of vaccines that we have now & didn't have when we first started vaccinating decades ago, when we were still just guessing and hypothesizing as to how they would/should work.
Those bothered enough by what they're seeing come up on social media and the television, might do some research, though most of those folks will unfortunately never step too far outside of their comfort zones; only getting brave enough to look at "prescribed" mainstream data published with a spin that fits their current beliefs (the same beliefs approved by big pharma and big govt of course).

If they succeed in this endeavor, big pharma/govt will have thoroughly convinced the majority that we who choose to live vax-free, are such a threat to the "greater good" of public health, that our rights to personal safety, autonomy, privacy & choice will no longer matter.
We'll be legally defined as less than human for the purposes of reinforcing the echo chamber big pharma/govt have the majority psychologically confined to; anything or anyone which threatens those chamber walls, will be easily destroyed or discredited based almost purely on heuristics. From there, they'll do anything & everything they want to the minority; and as long as it makes the majority feel safe & heard, no one will care to stand up for the minority, who only desire & deserve the same.
Creating a system of life-threatening oppression that is guaranteed to be much more harmful than any damage that could be caused via wild diseases.
With that sort of aggressive oppression looming, those of us who live vaccine-free, are faced with the choice;
- SPEAK UP & continue to provide the resources & open discourse needed to help pro-vaxers see that they & the "at risk" populations are not in danger; most certainly not to the extent that big pharma wants us to believe we are.
- BE SILENCED; putting our bodies, childrens bodies, civil rights & constitutional rights at risk.

I chose that route for a long time myself.
Though I just can't stay quiet about it any more.
I'd rather speak up & offer the education that could save lives & freedoms on all sides of the fence with this issue, than sit on my fear & try to avoid ruffling feathers.
Setting the precedent that anyone can be qualified as not being eligible to keep their civil & constitutional rights because they make decisions that rub the majority the wrong way, means that the everyone can be deemed ineligible for their rights, so long as the folks at the top can convince any majority to fear the minority they want to prevent from gaining any power.
That's whats most at stake when the vaccine debate; not the actual chances of people being injured by wild strains of illnesses or even the myriad of data that shows they're very likely to be injured by the vaccines > it's upholding human rights.
Cause once those go completely out the window for anyone, they go for everyone (hence why things like the Patriot Act are so dangerous).
Not to mention, sometimes feathers need to be ruffled to get the dust out & keep them healthy; especially when those feathers are old and clearly needing to be shed.
The same is true with what we've "always known to be true" or "always trusted" - information, science & "evidence" are always evolving. That's what fuels the prescious sciences we hold so dear; Change. Contrast. Evolution. Expansion.
They're the only constants in this world.
They're also evident in how many times throughout history when the scientific "experts" of the era; along with the majority of the moment, were absolutely convince they were correct about the way something worked & used that correctness as a means to justify violence & suppression against a minority whom only desire freedom & safety from the oppression of the majority.
Yet for some reason, we often refuse to acknowledge the universal truth of change and evolution, especially when it comes to challenging hypothesis, theories, sciences, religions & superstitions that we've "always known to be true"; throughout history, it doesn't seem to matter how many credible individuals provide new evidence or improved analysis on the topic at hand, if it contradicts what's "always been true", most folks won't listen to it until they believe they'll be socially ostracized for not changing their beliefs (ex: flat earth, American revolutionary war, slavery, civil war, racism, sexism, homophobia, genderism, humanism, all religious conflicts, racial priviledge, nationalism, altruistic narcissim, etc..)
Some Examples to Consider:
Some Examples to Consider:
- The world is not flat & the sun does not revolve around the earth; though there was a time you could get stoned for saying so.
- Women, poc & those with DD's have never been inferior to any other human being; though there've been plenty of times throughout history when you could've been linched for defending such ideas.
- Shamans & Wyse folks of the world have known forever that the smallest partical has never been the atom & that every human, plant & animal are all surrounded by electromagnetic energy which can and is effected by every being they interact with; though for most of history following the post-industrial era, such concepts were considered archaic quackery & religious fantacism until Quantum Physics & the "God Particle" were discovered.
- Most diseases are not cured by leeches & blood letting; though there was a time when you could get laughed out of a room for suggesting it didn't cure all ills.
- Doctors, dentists & other "experts" used to recommend Smoking, digesting/applying radioactive matter to get "beautiful" glowing skin, giving kids Mercury to cure almost everything, & taking heroine just to get through your day -- and unsurprisingly, when each of these things were discovered to hold much were risks than any benefits they provided, those who profited from keeping the old misinformation alive, stuck to their guns until enough damage had been done to the public that the truth couldn't be ignored any further.
Virtually every time we start to uncover new truths, they
are fought tooth and nail by those in power who stand to lose their
investments in the old beliefs.
History is littered with times where the "authorities", "experts" & the supposed "good guys" have been at best; wrong, and at worst; found to have been intentionally misleading andor experimenting on ppl without their knowledge (wikipedia is full of documentation on nonconsensual public health testing).
There's also been plenty of times when we didn't have the data to know what effects or potential risks might arise, or how worthy the potential benefits would be; Vaccine science is a great example.
When vaccines were first invented, there wasn't any data on how they would work.
As with most science, they were based on calculated guesses based on the principals of natural immunity (very different than current vaccine hypothesis).
Over time, as the data has built up, we've gained much greater knowledge about the long term effects of vaccination versus natural immunity; most of which is available to the public, but then underscored with legal jargon designed to prevent vaccine profiteers from being held liable for the damages & deaths which have occured as a result of vaccines & to keep the majority convinced that what they've always been told is still true, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
History is full of times when information has been censored, supressed or twisted & innocent ppl have been oppressed, imprisoned, injured & killed because those in power made sure the majority was filled full of conflated and confused fears used to prey upon our altrustically narcissistic need to protect ourselves & everyone else.
Unironically, there have been zero times when we've chosen to force others to comply & conform, when the consequence of doing so has not created far worse & more dangerous problems than ever would have occured if we'd found ways to work together to achieve win/wins.
It's far beyond time that we learn the lesson that oppression is NEVER justified. NEVER.
Force NEVER protects the "greater good".
Force NEVER manifests peace.
Force NEVER produces positive outcomes.
It's always better to find ways to work together to resolve common threats needing better solutions, than to force through old methods against anyone's consent.
If we cannot evolve enough to grasp and practice such simple concepts, then we have far greater things to fear than 'wild' communicable diseases.
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