Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Dear Pro-Vaxers, No One is Trying to Evangelize You

We're not trying to "win" you or anyone over to our cause.

We're simply trying to survive. 

The coming onslaught of the majorities moral outrage is not going to be pretty for us, despite how logical, rational and harmless our lifestyle choices may be.

It is, in fact, very likely that we will be demoted to a legal level of "less than human", as has happened to many other American's in the past, where we will be forced to inject or leave. 

As the mother of a vax-free family & consensual Minarchist, doing her best to speak up for thall of us in either minority who have to be under constant threat of social pressure, legal trouble & mandates that remove EVERYONE'S right to freedom of choice, non-consent, and to be able to opt out of reasonably questionable medical practices, procedures & medications, I find it more & more frustrating that one of the largest barriers to preventing such unnecessary tyranny comes from pro-vax individuals who seem to believe vax-free & freedom of choice supporters are trying to convince them too stop vaccinating or to convince them that all vaccine science is unsupported and wrong.

And while there are plenty of extreme & loud "anti-vaxxers" (different than those who are simple "vaccine-free) who do want to stop everyone from vaccinating, let me be the first to be clear that I (and most vaccine-free families) have no intention or interest in trying to evangelize pro-vaxers.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Vaccine Wars - It Begins

With mounting publications showing growing popularity for federally mandated vaccinations across the states, this blogger has decided to stand up with the growing numbers of parents and concerned individuals demand the right to make their own decisions about what goes into their bodies. This blogs aim is to cover all information, on both sides of the fence. I would love to promise that it will all be completely unbiased and objective, but because I have a personal opinion about vaccines and because I am human and fallible, there might be times when this blog is slanted in a certain direction. That being said, my core values dictate that objectivity, moderation and balance are the keys to a healthy life, healthy mind, healthy body, healthy community and healthy justice system. There is truth and value on all sides, and no reason for anyone to be forced into procedures because of the popular beliefs of one side over the other.

That is the heart and the reason I am starting this blog. I've been following news on both the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine side for over 8 years, and while most states have various vaccination laws and rules that are slanted towards pro-vaccination, there are still ways for the educated individual or parent to opt-out of any scheduled vaccines. I really should have started this blog then, to change the situation at the time, but there were several groups out that were already out there doing just that. I have supported them, shared their information and done my part to educate others, but I cannot say I was as passionate about it as I should have been.

Now, as we see growing numbers of individuals and parents making the decision to opt-out of most or all of the current vaccination schedules, especially with childhood vaccinations growing to over 40 before the age of 6, big pharma and important governing bodies are determined to do more than use fear-focused campaigns -- now they want to make all vaccines MANDATORY. That means no more religious or philosophical exemptions, that means no more choice. That also means that the federal and state governments will have the power to decide what you are required to have injected into your body and the bodies of your children, at their bequest. Protests will do little good if vaccination mandates are made into law, and from there, who knows what else the government will decide they'll mandate you put into your body or do to your body or don't do to your body. It won't matter, because the choice won't be yours any longer.

If that doesn't sound Orwellian to you, I don't know what does.

With all that being said, the goals of this blog is not to get you to turn away from vaccines if you currently prefer them. The goals are simply to provide you with as much information as possible, to quiet any fears about unvaccinated individuals and to remind everyone that the right to choose what you do with your body should always remain YOUR CHOICE, no matter current science, medicine or government bodies think at the time. From there, the choice is yours.

Hopefully, that choice will always remain yours and never be taken away.